You can also find the full list of my papers on my Google Scholar profile
Selective Papers
- [JSS-25] MPLinker: Multi-template Prompt-tuning with Adversarial Training for Issue-commit Link Recovery. B Wang, Y Deng, R li, P Liang, and T Bi. Journal of Systems and Software, Accepted.
- [ICSE’RAIE-25] Privacy in Foundation Models: A Conceptual Framework for System Design. T Bi, G Yu, and Q Wang. The 3rd International Workshop on Responsible AI Engineering, co the 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, co-hosting with ICSE, Accepted.
- [ICSE-25] Towards Better Answers: Automated Stack Overflow Post Updating. Y Mai, Z Gao, H Wang, T Bi, X Hu, X Xia, J Sun. The 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, Accepted, Core A*.
- [TOSEM-24] On the Way to Sboms: Investigating Design Issues and Solutions in Practice. T Bi, B Xia, Z Xing, Q Lu, L Zhu. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 33 (6), 1-25, Core A*.
- [TCSS-24] Toward Web3 Applications: Easing the Access and Transition. G Yu, X Wang, Q Wang, T Bi, YF Dong, RP Liu, N Georgalas, A Reeves. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
- [TOSEM-24] What Makes a Good TODO Comment? H Wang, Z Gao, T Bi, J Grundy, X Wang, M Wu, X Yang, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Core A*.
- [TOSEM-24]When Chatgpt Meets Smart Contract Vulnerability detection: How far Are We? C Chen, J Su, J Chen, Y Wang, T Bi, J Yu, Y Wang, X Lin, T Chen. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Accepted, Core A*.
- [Mathematics-24]Graph Convolutional Network for Image Restoration: A Survey. T Cheng, T Bi, W Ji, C Tian, Mathematics 12 (13).
- [IEEE Blockchain-24] A Responsibility Pillar: Exploring and Assessing Decentralized Intelligence. Q Wang, G Yu, T Bi, D Bandara, S Chen. IEEE Blockchain 2024.
- [BCRA-23] An Overview of WEB3 Technology: Infrastructure, Applications, and Popularity, R Huang, J Chen, Y Wang, T Bi, L Nie, Z Zheng. Blockchain: Research and Applications, 100173.
- [ICSE-23] An Empirical Study on Software Bill of Materials: Where We Stand and the Road Ahead, B Xia, T Bi, Z Xing, Q Lu, L Zhu. The IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, Core A*.
- [ICBC-23] Leveraging architectural approaches in Web3 applications-a DAO perspective focused G Yu, Q Wang, T Bi, S Chen, X Xu. The IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 1-6.
- [TOSEM-23] Accessibility in software practice: A practitioner’s perspective, T Bi, X Xia, D Lo, J Grundy, T Zimmermann, D Ford, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 31 (4), 1-26, Core A*.
- [TOSEM-22] Predictive Models in Software Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities, Y Yang, X Xia, D Lo, T Bi, J Grundy, X Yang. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 31 (3), 1-72, CoreA*.
- [ESE-22] Mining and Relating Design Contexts and Design Patterns from Stack Overflow, W Laksri, A Aldeida, B Tingting, A Tang. Empirical Software Engineering 27 (1), Core A.
- [JSS-21] Architecture information communication in two OSS projects: The Why, Who, When, and What,T Bi, W Ding, P Liang, A Tang, Journal of Systems and Software 181, 111035 11 2021, Core A.
- [JSS-21] Mining Architecture Tactics and Quality Attributes Knowledge in Stack Overflow,T Bi, P Liang, A Tang, X Xia. Journal of Systems and Software 180, 111005, Core A.
- [ICSME-21] A First Look at Accessibility Issues in Popular Github Projects, T Bi, X Xia, D Lo, A Aleti, the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2021. Core A.
- [TSE-21] An Empirical Study of Release Note Production and Usage in Practice, T Bi, X Xia, D Lo, J Grundy, T Zimmermann. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 48 (6), 1834-1852. Core A*.
- [JSS-19] A systematic mapping study on text analysis techniques in software architecture, T Bi, P Liang, A Tang, C Yang, Journal of Systems and Software 144, 533-558, Core A.
- [APSEC-19] Architecture Patterns, Quality Attributes, and Design Contexts: How Developers Design with Them, T Bi, P Liang, A Tang. The 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 49-58 Core B*.
- [JSS-18] An Industrial Case Study on An Architectural Assumption Documentation Framework, C Yang, P Liang, P Avgeriou, U Eliasson, R Heldal, P Pelliccione, T Bi. Journal of Systems and Software 134, 190-210, Core A.